Healthy Caribbean 2008 – A Wellness Revolution Conference

by HCC

Healthy Caribbean 2008 – a wellness revolution conferenceOctober 16, 2008, Healthy Caribbean 2008 – A Wellness Revolution Conference. The purpose of this conference was to bring together a wide spectrum of partners from throughout the CARICOM countries – namely civil society, the business community, educators and researchers, and policy makers – to plan civil society’s response to the chronic non-communicable disease (CNCD) epidemic in the Caribbean. Leading experts from the Caribbean and internationally would help participants understand the magnitude of the problem, identify the strategies and best practices, and understand what the evidence shows to be effective methods to slow and reduce the epidemic.

Objectives of the conference were:

  1. To engage civil society to support implementation of the Port of Spain Summit Declaration,
  2. To identify priorities and develop an initial 48-month Caribbean Civil Society plan to respond to the challenge of the Port of Spain Summit Declaration to tackle chronic diseases,
  3. To present the InterAmerican Heart Foundation Science of Peace lecture and award, and
  4. To present the 5th InterAmerican Journalism Contest Awards on Tobacco Control.

Documents arising out of the conference:

  1. Caribbean Civil Society Declaration on Chronic Non Communicable Diseases
  2. Caribbean Civil Society Action Plan for tackling CNCDs 2008-2012
  3. Conference report

Healthy Caribbean 2008 – A Wellness Revolution Conference programme here.

Presentations from the Conference:

Draft Declaration: Caribbean Civil Society Bridgetown Declaration for Tackling the Epidemic of Chronic Diseases view/download
Feature Address: Hon. David Thompson, M.P, Prime Minister of Barbados view/download

Part One: Introduction
Welcome and outline of conference programme, purpose and objectives – Trevor Hassell, Chairperson view/download
Keynote Presentation “The Caribbean Chronic Disease Epidemic: What We Know” James Hospedales, PAHO view/download
Keynote Presentation “Civil Society as the agent for Change: What Works” – Beatriz Champagne, IAHF view/download

Advocacy and coalition building – L.Fry view/download
Advocacy and coalition building – D. Chen view/download
Public education & media campaigns – K. Gutierrez view/download
Public education & media campaigns – C-A Senah view/download
Monitoring and Evaluation – E. Sebrie view/download
Monitoring and Evaluation – D. Simeon view/download

Part Three: Strategic Risk Factor Priorities – CARIBACTION 2012
Nutrition and Diet – Phil James view/download
Nutrition and Diet – Fitzroy Henry view/download
Physical Activity – Becky Lankenau view/download
Physical Activity – Victor Matsudo view/download Part1 :: Part 2 :: Part 3 :: Part 4 :: Part 5 :: Part 6 :: Part 7 :: Part 8
Tobacco – Lorraine Fry view/download
Tobacco – Ernesto Sebrie view/download

Part Four: The Disease Management Challenge – CARIBACTION 2012
Proposal for revolutionizing the prevention and management of Diabetes – Errol Morrison view/download
Proposal for revolutionizing the prevention and management of Hypertension and Heart Disease – Rainford Wilks view/download
Proposal for revolutionizing the prevention and management of Cancer – Anesa Ahamad view/download
Proposal for revolutionizing the prevention and management of Lung Disease – Tim Roach view/download

Part Five: Partners in Change – Towards 2012
The First Caribbean Wellness Day – Alafia Samuels view/download Part 1 :: Part 2 :: Part 3
Report on Workshop on mobilizing the Caribbean private sectors response to CNCDs, and the role of the private sector in tackling the chronic diseases – Sue Springer view/download
Picture-based health warning system on cigarette packages in the Caribbean – Debbie Chen view/download
Regional NCDs Surveillance System – an IDB supported project – Paul Teelucksingh view/download
Duke U./PAHO/CARICOM – a collaborative effort: meeting the challenge of the CNCDs – Dorothy Powell view/download
PWC Health Research Institute – a potential resource in tackling the chronic diseases – Karen Mitchell view/download

Some of the post event press clippings:

Pictures from Healthy Caribbean 2008 – A Wellness Revolution Conference:

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