Voices of PLWNCDs in the COVID-19 Era

by HCC

Voices of PLWNCDs in the COVID-19 EraHand in hand, with civil society organisations across the region representing PLWNCDs and their families, HCC is launching My #CovidStory – Voices of PLWNCDs in the COVID-19 Era.

As part of the HCC COVID-19 Communication Strategy and HCC’s Our Views Our Voices initiative, we are shining a light on the experiences of Caribbean people living with NCDs (PLWNCDs) during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are asking PLWNCDs and those caring for them to share their stories of coping in the new COVID-19 reality – their fears and their triumphs. The stories, in the form of text, audio or video will be used to inform HCC advocacy. It is our hope that these voices when shared, will inspire a virtual Caribbean community, united and strengthened by shared experiences and a collective will to overcome this challenge.

The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly impacted all sectors of our Caribbean region. It has shaken up our islands and emphasized the unique needs of our vulnerable populations. Persons living with non-communicable diseases (PLWNCDs) are a vulnerable population of this pandemic based on their increased susceptibility to contracting COVID-19. In most Caribbean countries, 1 out of every 10 adults has one or more NCDs. On March 27th 2020, the Healthy Caribbean Coalition (HCC) implored the CARICOM Heads of Government in its Open letter to CARICOM Heads of State and Government about NCDs and COVID-19 to respond proactively to threats posed to PLWNCDs by this pandemic by implementing specific measures including access to healthy foods, essential medicines and treatment. The unique needs of PLWNCDs were further highlighted in the HCC COVID19 Communication Strategy released on March 31st 2020.

PLWNCDsWe understand that PLWNCDs, as well as their family members and caretakers, have been affected differently by this pandemic and have unique stories to tell – we want to hear from you. We want to hear your #COVIDstory. Share your challenges and how you may have overcome them as well as your successes and how you may have celebrated them.

Please send a short story (no more than 300 words), video (no more than 1-2 minutes) OR an audio clip and picture of yourself (no more than 1-2 minutes) via email to hcc@healthycaribbean.org. The HCC will be compiling and using these personal accounts to inform our advocacy work. Stories will be shared publicly with consent or limited to internal use to highlight individual challenges and successes.

Please download and complete our consent form and send with your story, download here.

Here are some stories we have already collected for inspiration. We applaud the courage of these individuals and look forward to hearing your #COVIDStory.

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