May 27-29, 2012, an NCD Prevention and Strategic Planning Workshop for Civil Society Organizations entitled ‘Rallying for Action on NCD’s 2012’, took place at Wyndham Kingston Hotel and the Knutsford Court Hotel, Jamaica.
Background and Rationale:
Chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs), cancer, heart and blood vessel disease, diabetes and lung disease, are a major cause of sickness and death and present a significant developmental burden for the people of the sub-region of the Caribbean. They share the same risk factors and are lifestyle related and influenced by several non-health factors.
In September 2011 a global response to these diseases, as NCDs, was addressed at a United Nations High Level Meeting (UNHLM) at the conclusion of which a Political Declaration was issued and in subsequent months discussions held about targets to be met.
The workshop for health NGOs and other civil society organizations in the Caribbean, hosted by the Healthy Caribbean Coalition in collaboration with the World Bank, PAHO/WHO, LIVESTRONG, and the National Health Fund of Jamaica is part of on-going multi-sector efforts in the Region to craft a whole of society approach for more effective response to NCDs, as called for in the Heads of Government of CARICOM Port of Spain Declaration – Uniting to Stop the Epidemic of NCDs, and the Political Declaration arising out of the UNHLM.
The workshop will be preceded by a meeting at which attendees will be updated on aspects of cancer prevention, both internationally and locally, and strategies discussed concerning best practice approaches to cancer prevention in the Caribbean.
Specific Objectives:
- Review the progress made since the Port of Spain Declaration made by the CARICOM heads of state in 2007
- Review the Caribbean Civil Society Action Plan for tackling NCDs: 2008-2011 and produce a Caribbean Civil Society Action
- Plan for the period 2012-2016
- Share some good practice on NCD prevention through NGOs
- Share experience of NCD approaches, globally and regionally
- Discuss and propose ways in which NCD approach can be strengthened
- Build capacity among existing health NGOs for timely and effective response to the NCDs through whole of society approach
- Identify roles of international agencies in NCD prevention in the region
Expected Outcomes:
- Production of a Caribbean Civil Society Action Plan for tackling NCDs, 2012-2016, for more effective contribution of health NGOs to the NCD response
- Production of a Project Plan for a Regional cervical cancer advocacy and education campaign
- Strengthening of communication between and among Caribbean health NGOs and other civil society organizations in the response to NCDs
- Learning of achievements, challenges and opportunities of health NGOs
- Further development of mechanisms for active involvement and sustainability of the NGO and civil society response to NCDs
- Provide suggestions for the World Bank on supporting NCDs prevention in the Region
Conference Proceedings Report
The Healthy Caribbean Coalition (HCC), in collaboration with the World Bank, the Lance Armstrong Foundation, PAHO/WHO and the National Health Fund, Jamaica, is pleased to make available this Conference Proceedings Report of a NCD Prevention and Strategic Planning Workshop for Civil Society Organizations, Rallying for Action on NCDs, held in Kingston Jamaica, 27-29 May 2012. The report is aimed at the widest Caribbean and international audience, with emphasis on civil society, and represents a significant resource with respect to issues related to NCDs in the Caribbean. view/download
HCC Rallying for Action on NCDs Workshop 3 Day Program Listing/Agenda view/download.
View the photo gallery from across the 3 days here.
Day 1 – Cancer Prevention: Updates and Strategies
- “Cancer is mainly a lifestyle disease” – Dr. Fitzroy Henry CFNI, PAHO view/download
- “Cancer prevention and treatment in Jamaica” Dr. Wendel Guthrie Jamaica Cancer Society view/download
- “How I fought Cancer – A personal story” Dr. Jennifer Mamby- Alexander – Surgipath view/download
- “Fighting back – A tobacco free Jamaica” Ms. Barbara Mcgaw – Jamaica Coalition for Tobacco Control view/download
- Cervical Cancer – Dr. Tomo Kanda – PAHO/WHO view/download
- Cervical Cancer advocacy project – Dr. Lynda Wiiliams – Healthy Caribbean Coalition view/download
Day 2 – NCDs: A Necessary Change in Direction
- The United Nations High Level Meeting and Outcomes – Dr. James Hospedales – PAHO HQ, Washington DC view/download
- 5 years Port of Spain Summit: Achievements, challenges and the role of civil society – Dr. Fitzroy Henry – CFNI, PAHO view/download
- Key findings and recommendations NCD studies in The Caribbean Region – Dr. Shiyan Chao – World Bank, Washington DC view/download
- Policymakers working with civil society – Dr. Sonia Copeland – Ministry of Health, Jamaica view/download
- Results based financing for NCDs – Ms. Carmen Carpio – World Bank, Washington DC view/download
- Social media for NGOs – The 15 minute workout! – Mr. Chris Hassell – Healthy Caribbean Coalition view/download
Breakout Sessions: Crafting the Way Forward for Caribbean Civil Societies Response to NCDs
Facilitators: Dr. Beatriz Champagne, Inter American Heart Foundation and Mrs. Gina Pitts, Heart & Stroke Foundation of Barbados (view/download presentation)
- Group 1: Enhancing communication: Mr. Owen Bernard and Prof. Tim Roach view/download
- Group 2: Capacity building: Mr. Darshanand Rampersaud and Mr. David Hippolyte view/download
- Group 3: Advocacy: Mrs. Deborah Chen and Dr. Victor Coombs view/download
- Group 4: mHealth: Mr. Chris Hassell and Ms. Shivonne Johnson view/download
Day 3 – NCDs: One LOVE – People Get Ready
- Welcome back – Day 1 reflections – Dr. Virginia Asin-Oostburg – Healthy Caribbean Coalition view/download
- NCDs: Whole of society, whole of Government response – Sir George Alleyne – Director Emeritus, PAHO view/download
- Learning from the HIV/AIDS experience on how to involve NGOs – Ms. Carmen Carpio – World Bank view/download
- Rallying for Action – Professor Trevor Hassell – Healthy Caribbean Coalition view/download
Panel Discussion: Unique Caribbean Approaches to NCDS
- The Trinidad and Tobago Partners Forum – Dr. Yvonne Lewis – Trinidad and Tobago Partners Forum view/download
- The Church and NCDs – Dr. Noel Brathwaite – University of the Southern Caribbean view/download
- Academia, research, and civil society – CDRC – Dr. Kenneth George – Ministry of Health, Barbados view/download
Panel Interview Session: Opportunities and Challenges in the Non-Health Sector In Responding to NCDs
- Education – Dr. Leonie Clarke – University Technology of Jamaica view/download
- Finance: Health insurance – Mr. Ed Clarke – Sagicor view/download
Planning for the Future
- Looking back – Get the message Campaign – Dr. Lynda Williams – Healthy Caribbean Coalition view/download
- Going forward – Mobile health & HCC – Ms. Shivonne Johnson – Healthy Caribbean Coalition view/download
- Mobile banking and NCDs – Mr. George Thomas – CIBC First Caribbean International Bank view/download
- Action Plan for Tackling NCDs 2012-2016 – Dr. Victor Coombs – Caribbean Cardiac Society view/download