HCC Strategic Plan 2012-2016

by HCC

HCC A Civil Society Strategic Plan HCC Strategic Plan 2012-2016, A Civil Society Strategic Plan of Action for Prevention & Control of NCDs for countries of the Caribbean Community 2012-2016

Produced by the Healthy Caribbean Coalition (health NGOs and other regional civil society organizations, academia and the private sector) is a blueprint for civil society response in the Caribbean to NCDs.

The purpose of this Strategic Plan is threefold.

HCC Strategic Plan 2012-2016, A Civil Society Strategic PlanFirst, to translate and assist in putting into practice the Port of Spain Declaration “Uniting to Stop the Epidemic on Chronic Diseases” that was signed by Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), September 2007.

Second, to contribute to the response of Caribbean health NGOs and other civil society organizations to the epidemic of NCDs following the United Nations High Level Meeting held in 2011.

Third, to indicate the priorities that the Healthy Caribbean Coalition (HCC) will pursue and the initiatives that it will support as HCC encourages, promotes and assists civil society efforts to contribute more meaningfully to the NCD response.

View/Download the HCC Strategic Plan 2012-2016 here.

The successor to the HCC Strategic Plan 2012-2016, was published in February 2017,  Strategic Plan 2017-2021: Enabling Caribbean civil society’s contribution to national, regional, and global action for NCD prevention and control.

The Plan has five strategic pillars: accountability, advocacy, capacity development, communication, and sustainability. These five strategic pillars and their associated high level objectives which provide the basis for the development of annual operational plans with specific outputs, deliverables (products and services), activities, inputs, and resource needs, as well as a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework.

The HCC 2017-2021 Strategic Plan charts a course for the work of the Coalition in the coming five years. The streamlining and prioritising of key actions will lay the foundation for HCC’s contribution to the region’s achievement of national, regional, and international NCD targets, reduction of inequities, and, ultimately, reduction in NCD-related premature mortality, as we navigate through the post-2015 development era.

View/Download the HCC Strategic Plan 2017 – 2021 here.


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