Mobile phones and social media in the response to NCDs

by HCC

Mobile phones and social media in the response to NCDs – a side event organised by the Healthy Caribbean Coalition, PAHO/WHO, Global Health Council, Young professionals NCD network, took place on Friday 16th September 2011, at the Uris Auditorium, Weill Cornell Medical College, 2 days prior to the UN High Level Meeting on the Prevention and Control of NCDs.

After opening remarks from James Hospedales of PAHO, several presentations were made including two from the Healthy Caribbean representitives, Dr Lynda Willams and Chris Hassell. There then followed a panel discussion entitled ‘The road ahead in harnessing technology against NCDs‘, Sir George Alleyne then made his closing remarks.

Video footage of the opening remarks, presentations and closing remarks from Sir George Alleyne can be seen below and the full programme can be found here.

Watch on YouTube here.

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