Caribbean Civil Society Health Systems Strengthening Meeting Report

by HCC

Caribbean Civil Society Health Systems Strengthening Meeting ReportCaribbean Civil Society Health Systems Strengthening Meeting Report

Caribbean Civil Society Health Systems Strengthening Meeting ReportThe HCC is pleased to share the report of the Caribbean Civil Society Health Systems Strengthening Meeting held on October 22nd 2014 in Dominica. The meeting was one of three deliverables of the NCD Alliance (NCDA)/ Medtronic funded programme entitled grant “Strengthening Health Systems, Supporting NCD Action”.

The meeting was organised by the HCC in collaboration with PAHO and CARPHA, with support of the Ministry of Health of the Commonwealth of Dominica and the local Dominica Cancer Society. The goal of the meeting was to encourage a greater understanding of what HSS means in the Caribbean and provide a platform for evidence-informed CSO-led NCD advocacy within the context of HSS.

View/download report here.

For more info from the meeting including presentations, meeting materials and photo gallery click here.

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