Australian High Commission Aus DAP Funding the Cervical Cancer Prevention Initiative (C4PI)

by HCC

Cervical Cancer Prevention Initiative (C4PI)The Caribbean Civil Society Cervical Cancer Prevention Initiative (C4PI) seeks to improve the capacity of CSOs to positively impact the continuum of cervical cancer care and avert cervical cancer related deaths. The C4PI supports the PAHO “Regional Strategy and Plan of Action for Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control in Latin America and the Caribbean”, internationally and regionally agreed goal of 80% coverage in cervical cancer screening by 2025, the WHO Best Buy Interventions, and the Declaration for Universal Access to Cervical Cancer Prevention.

Cervical Cancer Prevention Initiative (C4PI) numbersThe project has been implemented across five OECS countries. The recipient organisations and countries are as follows: The Belize Cancer Society (BCS), Belize; The Dominica Cancer Society (DCS), Dominica; The Grenada Cancer Society (GCS), Grenada; The Cancer Institute of Guyana (CIG), Guyana; and The Jamaica Cancer Society (JCS), Jamaica.

Every year, over 500,000 women develop cervical cancer globally. In the Caribbean 2,245 women die of cervical cancer each year; this translates to approximately 6 women dying every day – entirely unnecessarily. The Caribbean is among the top four highest sub-regions in the world with respect to these incidence of cervical cancer and has the highest burden of HPV in the Americas. Cervical cancer is the second leading cause of death among Caribbean women with death rates several magnitudes higher than countries such as the USA. More than 95% of cases of cervical cancer can be prevented. This requires widespread awareness, increased screening and effective prevention and control measures that include Pap Tests, HPV testing, VIA and vaccination against HPV.

Click on any of the images below for more information about the countries involved.

Belize CP4IDominica CP4IJamaica CP4I
Grenada CP4Iguyana-web-res

Dominica Cancer Society trains community volunteers in Psychosocial Support and Advocacy in Cervical Cancer

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Australian Government Funding changing lives for women with Cervical Cancer in Grenada and Dominica

The Manager and President of the HCC recently returned from country visits to Grenada and Dominica where they were able to see first hand how funds provided by the Australian Direct AID Program and managed by the HCC are contributing to a coordinated multi-facted community based response to cervical cancer. Read more

The AUSTRALIAN HIGH COMMISSION Supports Caribbean Civil Society Cervical Cancer Prevention Efforts

The Healthy Caribbean Coalition (HCC) has been awarded a grant by the Australian High Commission Direct Aid Program to fund a multi-country cervical cancer prevention initiative aimed at building the capacity of key Caribbean civil society actors to respond more effectively to the community-based needs for cervical cancer prevention, treatment and control. At the HCC offices on Friday November 29, 2013, Ambassador Ross Tysoe presented a check to the HCC for $112,800.00USD to fund five regional projects. Read more

Supporting NCD Child

HCC pay courtesy visit to the Australian High Commission

The HCC paid a courtesy visit to Australian High Commission funding agency of the C4PI to discuss the work done to date on the C4PI – The Caribbean Civil Society Cervical Cancer Prevention Initiatives.

While in TT, the Australian High Commission hosted an evening with attendees of the NCD Child conference. The dinner was used as an opportunity to showcase the activities in the countries to date.

Click on the images below to enlarge.

Sir George Alleyne
Sir George Alleyne speaking at a dinner for the NCD Child Conference attendees
HCC with DATT Representative
Left to right: DATT Representative and President Zobida Rabgirsingh and HCC Manager Maisha Hutton and HCC President Professor Sir Trevor Hassell
HCC at the at the home of Australian Ambassador Ross Tysoe
HCC Director, Dr. Victor Coombs, HCC Manager, Maisha Hutton and HCC President, Professor Sir Trevor at the home of Australian Ambassador Ross Tysoe

Press Coverage

Australia hosts NCD Child organisation – A dinner in support of the Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) Child Organisation was hosted by Austrailian High Commissioner Ross Tysoe and his wife Helen Saunderson at the commissioner’s residence, Moka, Maraval, last Tuesday. – The Guardian TT – read more

Supporting the NCD Child Organisation – Austrailian High Commissioner to T&T Ross Tysoe and his wife Helen Saunderson hosted a buffet dinner in support of the NCD Child Organisation on March 18 at the High commissioner’s residence, Moka, Maraval. The T&T Daily Express – read more

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