Caribbean Civil Society – Health Systems Strengthening Meeting 2014

by HCC

HSS Meeting Dominica 2014On Wednesday October 22, 2014, a Caribbean Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) Meeting hosted by the Healthy Caribbean Coalition (HCC) in partnership with PAHO/WHO and CARPHA took place in Dominica. The meeting was supported by the NCD Alliance and generously made possible by a grant from Medtronic Philanthropy, and was one of the outputs of the sub-grant titled “STRENGTHENING HEALTH SYSTEMS, SUPPORTING NCD ACTION” awarded to the HCC/CARICOM, Brazil and South Africa by the NCD Alliance.

Health Systems Strengthening ReportThe goal of the meeting was to encourage a greater understanding of what HSS means in the Caribbean and provide a platform for evidence-informed CSO-led NCD advocacy within the context of HSS.

Meeting Resources:

Caribbean Civil Society Health Systems Strengthening Meeting Report View/Download


Building Blocks for Health Systems Strengthening – Dr. Alafia Samuels, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medical Sciences, UWI, Cave Hill. View/download

Opportunities for Improving Caribbean Health Care Delivery Systems – Perspective of a CMO – Dr. Patrick Martin, CMO, St. Kitts buy tramadol online no prescription overnight & Nevis Ministry of Health. View/Download

Gaps in the health care delivery systems in the Caribbean as identified by the NCD RSR – Mrs. Tina Alexander, Director, Dominica Cancer Society; HCC CSO Advocacy TWG member View/Download

NCD Care in the Caribbean – Experiences and Best Practices – Dr. Glennis Andall-Brereton, Epidemiologist/Acting Head of Department, NCDs and Life Course, Surveillance, Disease Prevention and Control Division,CARPHA. View/Download

Hypertension as a model of HSS – CARPHA Guidelines and GSTHP – Dr. Kenneth Connell, PI GSHTP, Chair CARPHA, Hypertension Guidelines, Committee, Deputy Dean Faculty of Medical Sciences, Cave Hill Campus, UWI. View/Download

Health Care Financing in the Caribbean – Dr. Stanley Lalta, Research Fellow, Health Economics Unit, UWI View/Download

Meeting Image Gallery

Additional Resources

CSO Statement of Commitment on Health Systems Strengthening view/download
Caribbean Civil Society – Health Systems Strengthening Meeting “Strengthening Health Systems, Supporting NCD Action” Concept Note. view/download
Caribbean Civil Society – Health Systems Strengthening Meeting “Strengthening Health Systems, Supporting NCD Action” Programme. view/download

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