NCDs and COVID-19 in the Caribbean: A Call to Action – The Case for a Transformative New NCD Agenda

by HCC

The Healthy Caribbean is pleased to announce the launch of it’s latest report, NCDs and COVID-19 in the Caribbean: A Call to Action – The Case for a Transformative New NCD Agenda. View/Download the report.

This report, NCDs and COVID-19 in the Caribbean: a call to action—the case for a transformative new NCD agenda is one of the main outputs of a project funded by the NCD Alliance (NCDA) Civil Society Solidarity Fund (SF) on NCDs and COVID-19 which is aimed at accelerating the response to the pandemic. The HCC had responded to a July 2020 Call for Proposals and was awarded a grant under Category 2 of the SF, Developing a comprehensive and cohesive NCD advocacy and communications strategy for the COVID-19 response, to implement the project A New Transformative NCD Agenda for Building Back Better in the Caribbean. View/Download the report.

The report examines international, regional, and national responses to NCDs and COVID-19; identifies lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic and its intersections with NCDs; presents a case for a transformative new approach to the prevention and control of NCDs in the Caribbean to contribute to efforts to build back better during and post-COVID-19; and presents the proposed TNA-NCDs.

NCDs and COVID-19 in the Caribbean: A Call to Action – The Case for a Transformative New NCD Agenda

The call to action informs an Action Plan 2021-2022 that details HCC’s contribution to the promotion, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the Transformative New NCD Agenda.

The report and call to action were informed by a review of relevant international and regional frameworks and mandates; materials available on the websites of regional and international entities, including political integration entities, intergovernmental development agencies, and civil society organisations working in health and NCD prevention and control; emerging public health and scientific papers and articles; information from webinars related to COVID-19 and NCDs; and public statements made on the issues by national and regional policymakers.

Snapshot of the TNA-NCDs

Snapshot of the TNA-NCDs

At the centre of the TNA is a call for empowered and mobilized Caribbean citizens to ‘stand up’ for their fundamental human right to live in an equitable world where CARICOM governments take responsibility for creating environments that support and promote human and planetary health.

Importantly, virtual interviews were conducted with selected HCC member CSOs and key stakeholders/thought leaders in NCDs in the region to ensure relevance to the Caribbean context. Nine (9) CSOs were interviewed regarding their response to COVID-19, their operational needs, and their priorities and challenges for the future, while 11 key stakeholders/thought leaders were consulted to obtain information on regional and national responses. Both groups were asked to provide recommendations for priority NCDs to be included in the TNA-NCDs, and for health system strengthening strategies and interventions to accelerate and strengthen NCD prevention and control in the Caribbean during and post-COVID-19.

View/Download the report.

Webinar to Officially Launch the TNA-NCDs Report

Webinar to Officially Launch the TNA-NCDs ReportThe HCC hosted a webinar on Friday January 22nd, 2021, to officially launch the report, the webinar featured an impressive panel of regional experts including Sir Trevor Hassell, President, Healthy Caribbean Coalition, Sir George Alleyne, Director Emeritus, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and Patron HCC,  Hon. Dr. Christopher Tufton, Minister of Health and Wellness, Jamaica, Dr. Joy St. John, Executive Director, Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), Dr. Anselm Hennis, Director, Department of NCDs and Mental Health, PAHO, Mrs. Nicole Foster, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Law, Cave Hill, University of the West Indies, Dr. Karen Sealey Founder TT NCD Alliance, Member of the NCD Alliance Board of Directors, Dr. James Hospedales, founder EarthMedic/ EarthNurse, Mr. Pierre Cooke Jnr, HCC Youth Voices Technical Advisor, Youth Champion, Ms. Tara Lisa Persaud, HCC Our Views Our Voices Technical Advisor, Person Living with NCDs and Mrs. Maisha Hutton, HCC Executive Director. The webinar attracted more than 300 participants, you can watch the recording of the launch webinar recording here.

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