Show Your Support For Front of Package Warning Labels (FOPWL)

by HCC

Show Your Support For Front of Package Warning Labels (FOPWL), YOU Have the Right to Know what is in your food and you have a right to be involved in a process that affects your health.

Right now, across the Caribbean until May 31st, key stakeholders are voting on whether or not Caribbean consumers will benefit from the introduction of octagonal shaped nutrition warning labels on the front of packaged foods. These labels have the potential to change supermarket shelves making it easier for Caribbean people to identify unhealthy foods and make healthier choices.

Show Your Support For Front of Package Warning Labels (FOPWL)

Caribbean Academics, Researchers and Health Practitioners Support Octagonal Front of Package Warning Labels

As Caribbean academics, researchers and public health practitioners, we would like to express our endorsement of the proposal by the CARICOM Regional Organization for Standards and Quality (CROSQ) which supports the implementation of  front-of-package nutritional warnings. Based on the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)/ World Health Organization (WHO) standards, are evidence-based and have the potential to promote healthier food environments in the Caribbean and subsequently prevent noncommunicable diseases (NCDs).
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Show Your Support For Front of Package Warning Labels (FOPWL)

Healthy Caribbean Coalition and Partners Statement of Support for Octagonal Front-of-Package Warning Labels

We strongly support the adoption of octagonal “High in” front-of-package warning labels (FOPWL) and the application of the PAHO Nutrient Profile model (PAHO NPM), as part of the regional labelling standard for pre-packaged foods, as a key policy tool of a comprehensive approach to regulate obesogenic environments and help combat obesity and the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the Caribbean.
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