Let’s Reimagine a Better World: World Children’s Day 2021

by HCC

On Tuesday November 23rd 2021, the World Obesity Federation and Healthy Caribbean Coalition hosted a joint webinar “Let’s reimagine a better world: World Children’s Day 2021”

World Children’s Day has been celebrated on 20th November every year since 1954. The day commemorates the adoption of both the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of the Child at the UN General Assembly. To mark the occasion, Healthy Caribbean Coalition (HCC) and World Obesity Federation(WOF) joined forces to amplify the voices of youth advocates around the world as they launched their new guide Youth Voices in Health Advocacy Spaces: A Guide for You(th) Advocates in the Childhood Obesity Space.”  The new guide can be found here.

Presenting a roadmap for young people who are ready (or have already started) to explore the world of advocacy, this guide provides an overview of the importance of youth voices to support the establishment of healthier environments, practical strategies, and guidance that can be used to carry out both online and in-person advocacy work.


  1. Provide an overview of the childhood obesity global epidemic and existing policies
  2. Share experiences of advocacy work from youth around the world to improve overall health
  3. Provide an overview of the HCC/WOF Youth Advocacy guide


  • Opening remarks – Maisha Hutton
  • Childhood obesity around the world – a snapshot of the situation and existing policies – Margot Neveux
  • The UN Conventions on the Rights of the Child – what does it mean? – D’Arcy Williams
  • A Future for Our Caribbean’s Children? – spotlight on the Rights of the Child – Kimberley Benjamin
  • Navigating your advocacy journey with HCC/WOF’s new Advocacy Guide! – Claudia Selin Batz
  • Panel Discussion: Let’s re-imagine a better world. A vision for the future.
    Moderator: Danielle Walwyn
    Confirmed Panellists: Mafalda Goncalves, Kimberly Benjamin, D’Arcy Williams and Pierre Cooke Jr
  • Closing remarks – Maisha Hutton

Let’s reimagine a better world: World Children’s Day 2021 view/download the flyer here.