Jamaica Cervical Cancer Prevention Initiative (C4PI)

by HCC

This video is Jamaica Cancer Society Executive Director Yulit speaking about the Caribbean Civil Society Cervical Cancer Prevention Initiative (C4PI) in Jamaica.

The Caribbean Civil Society Cervical Cancer Prevention Initiative (C4PI) seeks to improve the capacity of CSOs to positively impact the continuum of cervical tramadol overnight pharmacy cancer care and avert cervical cancer related deaths. The C4PI supports the PAHO “Regional Strategy and Plan of Action for Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control in Latin America and the Caribbean”, internationally and regionally agreed goal of 80% coverage in cervical cancer screening by 2025, the WHO Best Buy Interventions, and the Declaration for Universal Access to Cervical Cancer Prevention.


  • Educate Jamaican women in rural communities about cervical cancer.
  • Improve cervical cancer screening attitudes among women in rural communities.

This funding is providing:

  • 500 women educated about cervical cancer.
  • 500 women screened for cervical cancer.


  • Increased service delivery capacity of JCS.
  • Increased cervical cancer knowledge among Jamaican women in rural communities.
  • Improved screening attitudes among Jamaican women in rural communities.
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