Getting National NCD Commissions Up and Running

by HCC

Getting National NCD Commissions Up and Running

Getting National NCD Commissions Up and Running is a publication, developed in partnership with the Commonwealth Secretariat, is the second of a two-part series on NNCDCs. Part I: ‘A Civil Society Report on National NCD Commissions in the Caribbean: Towards a More Effective Multisectoral Response to NCDs‘, provides a detailed assessment of the status of National NCD Commissions in CARICOM Member States (MS).  Part II provides practical guidance for the establishment and strengthening of NNCDCs (or their equivalents) based on the experiences of past and existing Commissions in the region, as presented in Part I. The two part series of reports has been prepared by, and viewed through the lens of, civil society. It has been produced for the Caribbean – Small Island Developing States ranging from low- to high-income but has wider applicability.

Getting National NCD Commissions Up and Running in the CaribbeanAgainst the background of the epidemic of NCDs and its crushing burden on health systems and threat to national development gains, the two part series on NNCDCs is an important tool: showing the way forward in producing critical multisectoral mechanisms for a whole-of-government, whole-of-society, and health-in-all-policies approach to prevent and control NCDs. ‘It provides step by step practical guidance for existing and emerging NNCDCs and highlights approaches to policy and  and legislation determination and implementation, and details actions that a variety of sectors might undertake as part of the multisectoral effort. As critical voices in the multisectoral response, CSOs must aim to be active members of NNCDCs. Part I and II contain useful information on the role and function of CSOs in these multisectoral bodies.

The HCC looks forward to working with, and supporting the further establishment and strengthening of, National NCD Commissions in the region, in collaboration with Ministries of Health, civil society organisations, appropriate private sector partners, regional institutions, and international agencies.

Read/Download the report here.

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