Front of Package Nutrition Warning Labels

by HCC

Front of Package Nutrition Warning Labels


Front of Package Nutrition Warning Labels help you make healthier choices.

Unhealthy diets pose a greater risk to morbidity and mortality than tobacco use, alcohol use and unsafe sex combined. The Caribbean has some of the highest levels of obesity and obesity related non communicable diseases (NCDs) including diabetes in the world. The empirical evidence supports that ‘high in’ or ‘excess’ front of package nutrition warning labels, are the most effective labelling scheme in terms of helping consumers make informed choices about foods high in fats, salts and sugars. The warning labels raise consumer awareness about processed and ultra processed foods which are high in fats, salt and sugars. These products are linked to noncommunicable diseases NCDs – the category of diseases responsible for the greatest death and disability in the region. Evidence has shown that ‘high in’ or ‘excess’ nutrition warning labels modify consumer behavior by shifting their purchases from unhealthy foods to healthier options. Moreover, “high in” systems have proven to influence the purchase decision of consumers towards a more critical and healthier decision and to decrease the intent to purchase products high in nutrients of public health concern (fats, salts and sugars) across different populations.

HCC has created a series of visuals to  advocate for front of package nutrition warning labels and to also to campaign against the marketing of unhealthy foods to children.  Click on the images below to see full size visuals.

Front of Package Nutrition Warning Labels
Front of Package Nutrition Warning Labels
Front of Package Nutrition Warning Labels

Front of Package Nutrition Warning Labels
Front of Package Nutrition Warning Labels
Front of Package Nutrition Warning Labels


Stop marketing to children.

Click on the image below to see full size visual.

Front of Package Nutrition Warning Labels
Front of Package Nutrition Warning Labels
Front of Package Nutrition Warning Labels

Front of Package Nutrition Warning Labels
Front of Package Nutrition Warning Labels

Jointly, the Healthy Caribbean Coalition (HCC) and the National Consumers League of Jamaica (NCLJ) are calling on Caribbean governments, CROSQ, National Bureaus of Standards of the Caribbean and Caribbean citizens to support the adoption of the revised regional standards with mandatory front of package nutrition warning labels as committed to by Heads of CARICOM in 2018 at the 39th CARICOM Heads of State and Government Summit and called for by the Director of PAHO, Dr. Carissa Etienne and called for by the HCC and stakeholders in our September 2019 Call to Urgent Action.

Read the joint HCC/NCLJ Statement here.

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