First Edition of the HCC Weekly Roundup

by HCC

HCC First Weekly Roundup

First Edition of the HCC Weekly Roundup was produced on March the 8th 2013, prior to this we did send out emails containing links to interesting NCD related articles on the internet to our members and supporters, but this was our first actual edited and formatted email newsletter.

See the first actual Weekly RoundupNewsletter here.

This is a summary of the content.

HCC Member Feature

In celebration of International Women’s Day and the launch of the HCC Civil Society Cervical Cancer Advocacy Initiative, each week in our News Roundup we will be featuring HCC members working at the forefront of cervical cancer and women’s health. This week we are placing the spotlight on KeLaHa Projects

News Roundup

  • International Women’s Day 2013 – Join the Healthy Caribbean Coalition and other organizations all over the world in celebrating International Women’s day this Friday March 8th, 2013.
  • PAHO eHealth Newsletter – President of the Healthy Caribbean Coalition talks about the “Get the Message” mHealth campaign plus New Mobile Phone-based Cholera Surveillance and Control System in Haiti.
  • Anti-tobacco lobby & smoking cessation initiatives in the Caribbean – Dr. Victor Coombs – There are more than one billion smokers in the world, Tobacco use kills 5.4 million people a year – an average of one person every six seconds
  • Pass tobacco control laws now – Jamaica Gleaner, Sunday March 3, 2013 Professor Everard Barton, chief of nephrology at the University Hospital of the West Indies, and chairman of Caribbean Institute of Nephrology, has called on the Government to make haste in passing tobacco-control legislation.
  • Honour Everett Koop’s memory – Friday, March 1, 2013 – The world has lost a sterling man in former United States Surgeon General C Everett Koop, a paediatric surgeon known for his anti-smoking campaigns.

Our current Weekly News Roundup can be found here.


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