Chilean Policies Effectively Tackling Obesity – Lessons for the Caribbean

by HCC

Chilean policies are effectively tackling obesity. Recent studies of obesity prevention efforts implemented in Chile have found that consumers purchased fewer sugary drinks, while Chilean children saw less advertising and marketing of unhealthy food and drinks, thanks to a comprehensive food advertising and labeling law that went into effect in 2016. The three studies, published in peer-reviewed journals, underscore why Caribbean governments should strongly consider effective front-of- package warning labels and marketing restrictions as part of their obesity prevention efforts, says the Healthy Caribbean Coalition.

In 2016, Chile implemented the Law of Food Labeling and Advertising, which is the first national regulation that requires front-of-package warning labels on foods and beverages high in added sugars, salt, or saturated fats, restricts child-directed marketing of such foods, and bans the sales of these foods in and near schools. A Public Health Nutrition study found that the Chilean policy led to significant reductions in children’s exposure to junk food ads. An International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health study found that there was a significantly lower use of child-directed marketing strategies in sugary breakfast cereal packages as a result of the Chilean policy. (taken from a HCC Press Release February 11, 2020) .

The following graphics visualise and compare the implementation and successes of Chilean obesity prevention policies with the obesity situation in the Caribbean.

Click/tap the images below to view/download the full size versions.

2 page version:

Chilean policies are effectively tackling obesity

One page long version – including Caribbean/Chile Policy Timeline:

Tackling Obesity - Lessons for the Caribbean

Tackling Obesity - Lessons for the Caribbean
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