HCC Volunteer/Intern Profile
Country: Barbados.
Intern/Student: Student Intern.
Dates with the HCC: June-July 2014
Name of school/college: I work now but I was studying at Cavehill University of the West Indies.
Programme at school/college: I work now but my programme was Masters of Public Health.
How did you find out about the HCC: Colleagues at the University of the West Indies, Public Health Group.
Projects: C4PI, Newsletter article, researching local food suppliers.
Primary outputs: Member Satisfaction Evaluation Form for C4PI, article on dementia in Barbados for newsletter, proposal for “pink cards” for personal monitoring of female health checks, infographic on depression in the Caribbean (this was not during my internship but rather a 2017 output).
How was your experience at the HCC: Interning at HCC was my first experience working in a public health role during the completion of Masters in Pubic Health. Maisha was incredibly encouraging and motivating, sharing with me a passion for public health and the HCC agenda. I was able to delve into new and exciting projects, network with key persons, which resulted in a sound platform to my next step working full-time in public health research.
Future plans: I am currently working at the George Alleyne Chronic Disease Research Centre in Barbados on local and regional research projects.