The CARPHA 61st Annual Health Research Conference

by HCC

61st Annual CARPHA Health Research Conference

The CARPHA 61st Annual Health Research Conference to Focus on Family Health

Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands,  Child health, Zika, Healthy ageing and HIV AIDS are just some of the family health issues that will be addressed at the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) Health Research Conference this year. The Conference, which will be held at Beaches Resort in the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI), has received the full support of the Turks and Caicos Government. At a media conference held at the Office of the Premier, TCI, this morning, Premier, Dr Rufus Ewing expressed his delight at hosting the Conference. He said “TCI will gain tremendous exposure from this Conference. It is an opportunity for local health professionals, to share their experiences and challenges, to be educated and informed and for delegates to enjoy buy tramadol online free shipping activities in the ‘beautiful by nature’ Turks and Caicos Islands.”

The 61st Annual CARPHA Health Research Conference Theme: Family Health: Living Healthy at All Ages takes place next week on the Turks & Caicos Island.

The programme will include presentations on prostate cancer, anaemia in children, depression in youth, diabetes, obesity and smoke free legislation.

In addition leading up to the conference there are several relevant side events taking place, including:

  • Policy dialogue on the 22nd this will focus on implementation of healthier food environments
  • Caribbean Cancer Registry Hub meeting and training for registrars
  • TCI Civil society meeting
  • Community based rehab meeting
  • CMOs meeting will discuss NCDs and the Port of Spain Evaluation.

Read more on the conference website here and on the conference Facebook page here or view the Conference Flyer.

The online registration form can be accessed via the following link: Register Now.

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