The Caribbean Private Sector Response to NCDs: A Situational Analysis and Framework for Action.
The report is a Situational Analysis and Framework for Action and represents, to our knowledge, the first documentation of the knowledge, attitudes and practices of the Caribbean private sector’s involvement in the prevention and control of NCDs. It details the experiences of Caribbean business with worksite wellness programmes and the attitudes of businesses towards provision of working environments that prevent NCDs and care for those already affected by them.
It also examines engagement of companies on a corporate level with community, national, regional and international NCD prevention and control programmes and it assesses the readiness of the business and industrial sector for future involvement. Finally the report incorporates a framework for action that was discussed at the private sector consultation and refined thereafter. This framework presents a way forward for the business and industrial sector to engage with government and civil society in the public health arena with respect to NCDs.
Read or download the report here.