Wednesday October 5th, 2022 the Healthy Caribbean Coalition and it’s partners hosted a webinar entitled #ActOnFacts – The Food In Our Schools Matter.
In this webinar distinguished panellists and speakers discuss lessons learned around the implementation of healthy school policies across the Caribbean, and share a new resource to assist CARICOM countries in harmonising healthy school policy regulation.
#ActOnFacts – The Food In Our Schools Matter, is a regional campaign that aims to encourage public and policymaker support for policies that regulate the sale and marketing of unhealthy foods and drinks in and around schools, while increasing the availability of nutritious foods, healthier snacks and drinking water.
Panellists and Speakers
Sir Trevor Hassell
President, Healthy Caribbean Coalition
President, Healthy Caribbean Coalition
Pieter Bult
UNICEF Representative for the Eastern Caribbean Area
UNICEF Representative for the Eastern Caribbean Area
Dean Chambliss
Subregional Programme Director, Caribbean, Pan American Health Organization/ World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO)
Dr Carlene Radix
Head of Human Health and Social Division, OECS Commission
Head of Human Health and Social Division, OECS Commission
Dr Tamu Davidson
Head of Chronic Disease and Injury Department Surveillance, Disease Prevention & Control Division, CARPHA
Head of Chronic Disease and Injury Department Surveillance, Disease Prevention & Control Division, CARPHA
Fransen Jean
Food Security Officer, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Sub-regional office for the Caribbean /em>
Food Security Officer, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Sub-regional office for the Caribbean /em>
Barbara McGaw
Project Manager, Global Health Advocacy Project, Heart Foundation of Jamaica
Shannique Bowden
Executive Director, Jamaica Youth Action Network
Executive Director, Jamaica Youth Action Network
Francine Charles
Programme Manager, Childhood Obesity Prevention Programme, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Barbados
Programme Manager, Childhood Obesity Prevention Programme, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Barbados
Deonne Caines
Technical Officer, National Food Industry Task Force, Ministry of Health and Wellness, Jamaica
Technical Officer, National Food Industry Task Force, Ministry of Health and Wellness, Jamaica
Michelle Ash
Chief Nutritionist and Head of Department, Ministry of Health Special Services & Programmes Building, Trinidad and Tobago
Dr Ramona Archer-Bradshaw
Chief Education Officer, Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training, Barbados
Chief Education Officer, Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training, Barbados
Tamie Marie
Communications Consultant, Healthy Caribbean Coalition
Communications Consultant, Healthy Caribbean Coalition
Nicole Foster
Law Lecturer & Head, Law and Health Research Unit, Faculty of Law, UWI Cave Hill Campus; HCC Policy Technical Advisor
Law Lecturer & Head, Law and Health Research Unit, Faculty of Law, UWI Cave Hill Campus; HCC Policy Technical Advisor
Pierre Cooke Jnr
Youth Advocate, Campaign Champion, Youth Voices Technical Advisor, Healthy Caribbean Coalition
Maisha Hutton
Executive Director, Healthy Caribbean Coalition
Executive Director, Healthy Caribbean Coalition