HCC will be spotlighting Caribbean NCD leaders leading up to the 4th UN High Level Meeting on NCDs (HLM4) to be held during the United Nations General Assembly in September 2025.
The HLM4 is a global milestone and stocktaking moment for the international NCD Community to pause and reflect on where we are and what needs to be done to accelerate action as we move towards achieving the 2030 SDGs.
Under the umbrella of the NCD Alliance, the global NCD civil society community will be galvanising over the next 12 months under the banner – Time to Lead. The NCDA Global Week of Action, 15-22 October 2024, will kick off this global campaign which calls on leaders worldwide to step forward and champion efforts to reduce the impact of NCDs on communities.
Despite uneven NCD progress regionally and globally, CARICOM has and continues to show tremendous leadership. Individuals and organisations have stepped up and shown bold unwavering leadership in their communities and countries.
As we look towards the HLM4, uniting around the theme – TIME TO LEAD, the HCC is seeking to recognise and showcase NCD champions – individuals and organisations who have shown exemplary leadership in NCD prevention and control in the Caribbean.
We are inviting our constituents to submit nominations of Caribbean NCD Leaders – individuals and organisations who you believe should be celebrated for their acts – small or large – which have changed the trajectory of the NCD response in your communities or countries.
Who is eligible to be an HCC Caribbean NCD Leader? Individuals (representing civil society, academia and the public sector) and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) working in the Caribbean.
How do you nominate Caribbean NCD Leaders? Use the google form to nominate the names of Individuals (representing civil society, academia and the public sector) or Civil Society Organisations (CSOs).
The google form includes a series of prompts including describing the reason you are nominating this person/organisation, 2-3 key contributions/achievements which merit recognition as a NCD Leader and submitting a quote from the nominee in response to this question: What should CARICOM policymakers be prioritizing to accelerate action on NCDs?
The HCC looks forward to your submissions.

Debisette Consulting Empowerment Organization
Debisette Consulting Empowerment Organization is a non profit organization dedicated to empowering youth and communities through mentorship, youth development, and conflict resolution. Adults also receive individual motivational interviewing session where they gain self esteem and career goals to become more self sufficient. Many people can not afford therapy and they should not be deprived of that service. We all need someone who we can trust and be non judgemental to talk to.

Priscilla Prevost
Mrs. Priscilla Prevost, a Family Nurse Practitioner, has been a champion for NCD prevention and management since 1990.
Her prominence as a health professional in Dominica is evidenced by her passion for the wellbeing of people as she advocates for and provides services across the Public, Private and Civil Society sectors. She has worked tirelessly from 1990 when she coordinated the first health expo in Dominica in collaboration with ADRA to present as she conducts screening, self-management training and food demonstrations within communities and schools on the island.

Abi Begho
Abi Begho is an inspirational leader in public health and the founder and director of Lake Health and Wellbeing, a public health NGO in St. Kitts and Nevis. Abi is a fearless advocate who has amplified the voices of vulnerable groups, ensuring they are heard and supported. Among her many accomplishments, she: spearheaded the SKN Disability Working Group, advocating for greater inclusivity across all sectors, launched the EmpowHer program to empower women living with chronic diseases, and developed the Menstrual Health Education program to equip young girls with essential knowledge about their periods and how to identify signs of reproductive conditions such as fibroids.

Breast Friends
A very long time ago Carolyn Aziz had a dream. Long before the word Cancer was actually mentioned in polite conversation, she was afflicted with breast cancer. She advocated single handedly and brought others on board. She wanted to share her story so that others would understand that there was no shame in having Cancer and to let others know that fear could only kill.
At the time, it was a diagnosis associated with doom and gloom. She wanted to change that for Antiguans. She wanted to share a message of hope.
She continued as long as she could and laid the foundation. Then Ms. Bird joined the fight.

Professor Rohan Maharaj
Professor Maharaj is a beacon in research, medical education and scholarly research in the areas of NCDs, Alcohol reduction, Mental Health Issues and many others. He has contributed immensely during the last 20 years to the sensitisation and education of the population on the harmful effects of alcohol and has lobbied tirelessly for its regulation and control in order to reduce the burden on NCDs. He has provided yeoman clinical services in both the public and private sectors in relation to health promotion, NCD prevention and treatment of NCDs. He is currently an active member of the HCC and led the local efforts for the 2023 Caribbean Alcohol Reduction Day. He is on the cusp of publishing his latest book entitled Rum Songs and Other Alcohol Issues in the English Speaking Caribbean.

Dr. Asante Le Blanc
Dr, LeBlanc is an exceptional and dedicated leader in public health. As the former Chairman and current Director of the Trinidad and Tobago Cancer Society, Dr. Le Blanc has led with vision and impact, steering initiatives focused on cancer prevention and education. Her commitment to public education has been pivotal in raising awareness about the importance of lifestyle changes to reduce the risks of non-communicable diseases, especially cancer. Through her leadership and advocacy, she continues to make a significant difference in empowering individuals and communities to make healthier choices for long-term well-being.