Cancer Awareness campaign in Guyana is lead by Cancer Institute of Guyana (CIG). This documentary encompasses the activities during recent past months. In Partnership with the Healthy Caribbean Coalition and funded by the Australian Direct Aid Programme.
- Strengthen service delivery capacity of Cancer Institute of Guyana.
- Build capacity of Guyanese nurses working in rural communities to conduct visual inspection with acetic acid and Pap Tests.
- Educate Guyanese women in rural communities about cervical cancer.
- Improve cervical cancer screening attitudes among Guyanese women in rural communities.
This funding is providing:
- Equipment: 1 laptop and 1 projector.
- Development & dissemination of 1000 tramadol cheap overnight no prescription materials; 20 advertisements. 2 training sessions.
- Training of 19 Nurses (7 Region 1; 12 Region 10).
- Cervical cancer screening for 663 women in Regions 1, 4 & 10.
- 2 country-wide text message blasts; 10 email blasts; a social media promotion.
- Production of the C4PI project documentary.
- Ongoing collection of Caribbean Cervical Cancer Electronic Petition signatures (www.endcervicalcancernow.org).
- Increased service delivery capacity of Cancer Institute of Guyana (outreach nurses).
- Increased cervical cancer awareness and advocacy among Guyanese women in rural communities.
Click on the images below o see the Cancer Institute of Guyana C4PI photo gallery.