Status as at March 2020 | Inactive |
Country | Bermuda |
Name | Well Bermuda Partnership | Date of establishment | 2006 |
Date of first meeting | 16th November 2006 |
Date of last meeting | Last Annual meeting 2018. |
Number of meetings over past 12 months | Partnership members divided into 5 smaller action groups that meet monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly. 1 – Annual meeting of the Partnership; 3 – Well Bermuda Executive Committee, which consists of the Chairs and Facilitators from each of the Action Groups |
Chairperson’s name | Dr. Virloy Lewin |
Title | Health Promotion Coordinator |
Organisational affiliation | Well Bermuda: National Health Promotion Strategy was established in response to an assessment conducted in collaboration with PAHO of Bermuda’s essential public health functions. Its aim was toward a greater coordination and cross-sectoral planning for a healthy Bermuda. |
Duration of tenure | Since 2010 |
| In 2004 the Department of Health conducted a process to ascertain the health priorities for Bermuda. Twenty community and government organisations came together to review Bermuda’s leading causes of death, the 2000 Census information of self-reported health conditions, the 1999 Adult Wellness Survey, and the 2001 Teen Wellness Survey Through this process they established the most pressing health issues: overweight and obesity, heart disease, diabetes, accidents and violence, sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS, mental illness, back spine problems, cancer, substance abuse, smoking, chronic renal disease, and arthritis. This process of prioritization was intended as a first step towards creating a common agenda for health across all sectors Well Bermuda National Health Promotion Strategy is intended to provide direction, greater coordination; a way of assessing our progress and provides a unifying vision and set of goals for a healthy Bermuda The Strategy is organized around three themes, each of which has identified goals, objectives and benchmarks. Eighteen health goals were identified as central to the country’s health promotion efforts Lead agencies for each of the eighteen goals were identified and form the membership of Well Bermuda Partnership |
| The Health Promotion Office of the Department of Health retains the principal responsibility for monitoring and reporting on the progress on the National Health Promotion strategy objectives The Health Promotion Coordinator is the “Chair” of the Partnership by virtue of position |
Legal authority/reference | Ministry of Health and Seniors |
Location(sector/entity) | Department of Health, Ministry of Health and Seniors |
Mandate/Scope of work | The mandate of the Partnership is to engender greater partnership and working together in the implementation of the National Health Promotion strategy |
Terms of reference | Yes |
Conflict of interest policy | No |
Code of ethics | No |
Standard operating procedures | Memorandum of Understanding |
NNCDC strategic plan/plan of action Duration of strategy of plan of action | Yes – updating in progress |
Decision-making process (consensus, majority, other) | Consensus |
Government sector membership and level of representation | Lead agencies for 12 of the goals are Government Sector |
Civil society membership and level of representation |
Private sector membership and level of representation |
Ex officio members | - |
Secretariat exists? If so, please give date of establishment | No |
Resources | The NNCDC receives sources from the Health Promotion Office and lead agencies |
Full-time human resources/functions | No |
Part-time human resources/functions | No |
Main functions (advisory, accountability, strategic planning, project/programme implementation, other) | Communication about projects/programmes related to Well Bermuda; implementation of action plans; collaboration and coordination of activities to ensure optimal use of time and resources; and contribution to the evaluation of Well Bermuda implementation |
Main areas of interventions for NCDs and NCD risk factors | Obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, chronic kidney disease, hypertension |
Other health issues that the NCD/Wellness Commission addresses | HIV/AIDS, asthma |
| HIV/Safer Sex Practices is one the eighteen goals in the Strategy. There isn’t a HIV Commission; Government and a local NGO collaborate to address HIV prevention and treatment |
Framework(s) of reference (national policy, strategy or plan; international plans/strategies) | Well Bermuda National Health Promotion Strategy 2008; Bermuda Health Strategy 2014-2019 - Priorities for Bermuda’s Health System Reform; Bermuda Health Action Plan 2014-2019. Well Bermuda 2020 coming out in 2017 |
Focus of interventions (legislation, taxation, policy development, project/programme development, project/programme implementation, capacity building, surveillance, monitoring and evaluation, other | Interventions are mostly project/program development and intervention, with monitoring and evaluation Need capacity building in policy development |
Work groups/subcommittees/task forces and their functions | The Partnership is divided into 5 action Groups. Each Action Group has a chair and facilitator to coordinate meetings and report on progress towards goals and objectives |
Accountability mechanisms (periodicity of monitoring, evaluation, reporting, and to whom; financial accountability mechanisms) |
Main successes |
Completed Action Plans for 15 of the 18 goals Signed MOUs with each of the Lead agencies Well Bermuda Media Campaign – One voice for a Well Bermuda |
Success Factors |
Main challenges |
Commitment (competing agendas) Resources (human and financial) Political (lack understanding of what is needed to change current NCD issues) COVID |
Main source(s) of funding and approximate percentage of funding from each source | Funding comes through the Health Promotion Office and is mainly for organisation of meetings/programs |
Indicative annual budget (USD) | There is no separate annual budget |
Mechanisms for sustainability | None |
Additional information/comments | None |
The Well Bermuda Partnership (WBP) is an NNCDC equivalent that has a mandate broader than NCDs. It meets annually, but has action groups that work to address 18 goals, most directly linked to NCDs and their risk factors. However, two of the goals address, respectively, mental health and sexual and reproductive health.
The WBP has staff and financial resources from the Health Promotion Office. It has a strategic plan, developed within the frameworks of the National Health Promotion Strategy, which is organised around the themes of health people, healthy families, and health communities; the Bermuda Health Strategy 2014-2019; and the Bermuda Health Action Plan 2014-2019. Collaboration and partnership among all stakeholders are identified as key success factors. Notwithstanding its successes, the WBP faces challenges related to human and financial resources, agencies taking ownership of the Health Strategy, and reporting.
Status as at December 2021 | Inactive |
Develop and implement a comprehensive mental health plan that complies with international human rights instruments, includes allocated human and financial resources, and undergoes regular monitoring against indicators or targets for implementation | - |
Decriminalize suicide, suicide attempts and other acts of self-harm | - |
Increase public awareness about mental health and how to stop discrimination through campaigns that involve individuals living with mental disorders and psychosocial disabilities | - |
Introduce brief interventions for hazardous substance use | - |
Advocate with other sectors such as housing, education, social welfare etc for the support of people with mental disorders and psychosocial disabilities | - |
Does the NNCDC structure include a position for a youth representative? | - |
Is the NNCDC connected to other organizations that prioritize youth engagement? | - |
Has the NNCDC utilized social media campaigns to target youth? | - |
Reduced affordability of tobacco products by increasing tobacco excise taxes and prices | - |
Protect people from tobacco smoke by creating, by law, implementing completely smoke-free environments in all indoor workplaces, public places, and public transport | - |
Warn individuals of the dangers of tobacco and tobacco smoke through effective health warnings and mass media campaigns | - |
Implement and enforce bans on all forms of tobacco advertising, promotion, and sponsorship | - |
Ban the sale of tobacco to minors | - |
Support plain packaging and pictorial health warnings on cigarette packages | - |
Implement measures to minimize illicit trade in tobacco products | - |
Assess the usage and impact of e-cigarettes, and develop appropriate control measures if indicated, including through legislation and regulations for tobacco control | - |
Raise public awareness of physical inactivity through mass media public spaces and other programmes | Promoted/Currently Promoting:
Develop population-based, age-specific guidelines on physical activity. | - |
Advocate for the design of public spaces that are supportive of physical activity. | - |
Reduce salt intake and salt content of food | Promoted/Currently Promoting:
Replace trans fats with unsaturated fat | Promoted/Currently Promoting:
Raise public awareness of unhealthy diet through mass media and other programmes | Promoted/Currently Promoting:
Place taxes on sugar sweetened beverages | Promoted/Currently Promoting:
Implement nutritional labelling policies which promote consumption of healthier foods and beverages | Promoted/Currently Promoting:
Develop and implement school policies which restrict the availability of unhealthy foods and beverages within schools and their surroundings | Promoted/Currently Promoted:
Raise excise taxes on alcoholic beverages | - |
Regulate commercial and public availability of alcohol | - |
Enforce restrictions or bans on alcohol promotion and advertising | - |
Collaborate with NGOs and Ministry of Transport to educate the public on the harmful use of alcohol | - |
Advocate for the introduction of breathalyser testing | - |
Improve housing conditions and ensure access to clean energy sources for indoor cooking, heating and lighting | - |
Create awareness and develop appropriate strategies to reduce exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke in households | - |
Phase out health-harmful subsidies for fossil fuels and polluting industries and introduce penalties for polluters and/or taxes on pollution | - |
Include air quality measures in urban, rural and transport planning at city, regional and national level, including measures to encourage modal shift and active mobility, noting the additional benefits to health, wellbeing, and reduction of health inequalities | - |
Adopt and strictly enforce emissions standards for all pollutants in all relevant sectors, including industry, energy, transport, waste, and agricultures | - |