by HCC
The NCD Alliance
The NCD Alliance,  was founded by four international NGO federations representing the four main NCDs – cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and chronic respiratory disease.  Together with other major international NGO partners, NCD Alliance today unites a network of over 2,000 civil society organisations in more than 170 countries.  The mission of NCD Alliance is to combat the NCD epidemic by putting health at the centre of all policies.The Vision that drives NCD Alliance is “a future where all people affected by or living with non-communicable diseases live full and healthy lives, free from stigma and discrimination, and preventable disability and death“.

Key Related Outputs:

1 Responses to NCDs in the Caribbean CommunityCivil Society Regional Status Report: Responses to NCDs in the Caribbean Community.  In 2014, with the support of the NCDA, the HCC and UWI undertook a rapid assessment of National NCD Commissions (NNCDCs) in CARICOM, conducted as part of the HCC’s Civil Society Regional Status Report: Responses to NCDs in the Caribbean Community. The assessment revealed that that despite the fact that Commissions have achieved varying levels of success, they have not uniformly fulfilled their potential to play significant roles in the NCD response at country level.

This report was one of the major outputs of the NCD Alliance’s programme, ‘Strengthening Health Systems, Supporting NCD Action’ which aimed to support and strengthen civil society NCD advocacy efforts in Brazil, South Africa and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). The Healthy Caribbean Coalition (HCC) was the “National Implementing Partner” for the Caribbean in the implementation of this project funded by Medtronic Philanthropy. Read more

2 Strengthening Health Systems, Supporting NCD Action Meeting 2013Hosting of a multistakholder meeting at which a preliminary assessment of NNCDCs in the region was shared. The November 22nd, 2013 regional meeting ‘Strengthening Health Systems, Supporting NCD Action Meeting 2013 – Advocating for Policies and Action’ held in Trinidad, was a great success with over 60 delegates from 14 Caribbean countries, representing a wide cross section of disciplines including health NGOs, government, private sector, trade unions, women’s groups, the media, international organisations, service clubs, faith based organisations and medical associations. The meeting was a demonstration of the HCC’s ongoing commitment to the principles of partnership and collaboration, truly reflecting a ‘whole of society approach’ to NCDs. In addition to HCC Patron and International NCD expert Sir George Alleyne, key players from across the region including CARPHA, PAHO, CARICOM and UWI, came together in support of a multi-stakeholder approach to NCD prevention and control in the Caribbean. Read more.
3 A Civil Society Report on NNCDCs in the Caribbean: Towards a More Effective Multisectoral Response to NCDs. Part I.A Civil Society Report on NNCDCs in the Caribbean: Towards a More Effective Multisectoral Response to NCDs. Part I.

A Report on National NCD Commissions in the Caribbean. This report provides a detailed assessment and analysis of the status of CARICOM National NCD Commissions and makes recommendations for their future structure and roles as key instruments of national coordinated multisectoral action, based on varying country contexts and realities. The report represents civil society’s contribution to strengthening the multisectoral approach and will be used by the HCC to advocate for, and support National NCD Commissions in CARICOM and beyond.

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4 successes, challenges and lessons learned from HCC’s 2015 National NCD Commissions ReportThe First WHO Global Meeting of National NCD Programme Managers and Directors took place 15-17 February 2016 in Geneva, Switzerland.

At the multi-stakeholder forum dinner and breakfast (co-organised by the NCD Alliance, World Economic Forum and the WHO), Maisha Hutton Executive Director of the HCC shared the successes, challenges and lessons learned from HCC’s 2015 National NCD Commissions Report.

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