by HCC
The establishment of an National NCD Commissions web portal. This web portal contains all the relevant information from National NCD Commissions or equivalent across the region.Including NNCDCs profiles, which is split into several sections: Status; General Information; Establishment; Governance and Management; Membership and Personnel; Functions, Operations and Interventions; Funding; Sustainability, Additional Information/Comments and Case Study.

There is also information about the work that went into the National NCD Commissions project, reports and links to additional information.

Virtual Network of CARICOM Chairs of National NCD Commissions or equivalentThe establishment of a Virtual Network of CARICOM Chairs of National NCD Commissions or equivalent. The first meeting of the Virtual Chairs Network took place on Friday October 6th, 2017.  This initiative is part of HCC’s broader commitment to support the region’s multisectoral response to NCDs and builds on past HCC work on NNCDCs supported by the NCD Alliance, the Commonwealth Secretariat and other partners including UWI, PAHO, CARPHA and CARICOM.
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NNCDC ObservershipsNNCDC Observerships.  The HCC and partners have been undertaking work in the region aimed at supporting the multisectoral response through the strengthening of National NCD Commissions (NNCDCs) or their equivalents. So far this has included collaboration and cooperation between NCD Commissions from Barbados, Grenada, Guyana and St. Lucia.
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Development of the report: Getting National NCD Commissions Up and Running – a Framework for the Establishment and Strengthening of National NCD Commissions in the Caribbean. This is a publication, developed in partnership with the Commonwealth Secretariat, is the second of a two-part series on NNCDCs. Part I: ‘A Civil Society Report on National NCD Commissions in the Caribbean: Towards a More Effective Multisectoral Response to NCDs‘. This included piloting of the draft report in 3 countries: Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Read more about the Getting National NCD Commissions Up and Running here.
The First WHO Global Meeting of National NCD Programme Managers and Directors took place 15-17 February 2016 in Geneva, Switzerland. At the multi-stakeholder forum dinner and breakfast (co-organised by the NCD Alliance, World Economic Forum and the WHO), Maisha Hutton Executive Director of the HCC shared the successes, challenges and lessons learned from HCC’s 2015 National NCD Commissions Report. Read more
Hosting of a Regional Meeting for National NCD Commissions: Strengthening The Multi-Sectoral Response to NCDs in the Caribbean. Friday June 5th, 2015 at the Courtyard by Marriott Bridgetown in Barbados, key stakeholders came together to discuss strengthening of the multisectoral approach to NCDs through CARICOM’s National NCD Commissions (NNCDC). Fifty-two members of the public sector including NNCDC ‘Chairs’, civil society and the private sector participated in the 1-day meeting. Read more
A Civil Society Report on NNCDCs in the Caribbean: Towards a More Effective Multisectoral Response to NCDs. Part I. A Report on National NCD Commissions in the Caribbean. A Report on National NCD Commissions in the Caribbean. This report provides a detailed assessment and analysis of the status of CARICOM National NCD Commissions and makes recommendations for their future structure and roles as key instruments of national coordinated multisectoral action, based on varying country contexts and realities. The report represents civil society’s contribution to strengthening the multisectoral approach used to advocate for, and support National NCD Commissions in CARICOM and beyond. Read more
Civil Society Regional Status Report: Responses to NCDs in the Caribbean Community.  In 2014, with the support of the NCDA, the HCC and UWI undertook a rapid assessment of National NCD Commissions (NNCDCs) in CARICOM, conducted as part of the HCC’s Civil Society Regional Status Report: Responses to NCDs in the Caribbean Community. The assessment revealed that that despite the fact that Commissions have achieved varying levels of success, they have not uniformly fulfilled their potential to play significant roles in the NCD response at country level. Read more
Hosting of a multistakholder meeting at which a preliminary assessment of NNCDCs in the region was shared. The November 22nd, 2013 regional meeting ‘Strengthening Health Systems, Supporting NCD Action Meeting 2013 – Advocating for Policies and Action’ held in Trinidad was a great success with over 60 delegates from 14 Caribbean countries, representing a wide cross section of disciplines. Read more
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