Breastfeeding and Child Nutrition Foundation Barbados

by HCC

Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) Childhood Obesity Prevention (COP) Project – September 2018

Breastfeeding and Child Nutrition Foundation Barbados
Specific Project Outcome:
Advocate for an equitable national policy that promotes and facilitates exclusive breastfeeding in the workplace in Barbados.

The Breastfeeding & Child Nutrition Foundation (BCNF) COP Project Highlights

A communication plan using mass and social media to advocate for, promote, and facilitate breastfeeding, especially in the workplace, was rolled out.

The Breastfeeding & Child Nutrition Foundation Feeding Our Future Campaign

Sample image used in posts from the ‘Feeding Our Future’ Social Media Campaign

Draft Breastfeeding Workplace Policy developed and shared with key stakeholders

The Breastfeeding & Child Nutrition Foundation branded materials

BCNF branded materials shared at the Joint Stakeholder Meeting

Collaborated with other CSO’s to raise awareness around link between breastfeeding and childhood obesity and initiate the establishment of a Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition.

The profile of the BCNF has been significantly elevated as a direct result of this project

National Workplace Wellness Delegation

Some members of the National Workplace Wellness Delegation

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