Cancer Society of the Bahamas

by HCC

Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) Childhood Obesity Prevention (COP) Project – September 2018

Specific Project Outcome: Advocacy for national policy to ban the sale and availability of sugar sweetened beverages (SSBs) in and around schools in the Bahamas.

The Cancer Society of the Bahamas (CSOB) COP Project Highlights

CSOB’s single overarching communication objective was advocating for the removal of all SSBs from school premises.

Several activities were undertaken to achieve this objective.

Attendees at the CDB CSO Capacity Building Workshop

Some attendees at the CDB CSO Capacity Building Workshop hosted by CSOB

Collaborating with the Ministry of Health to finalise the policy brief for an SSB ban in schools

Minister of Health, the Hon. Dr. Duane Sands

Minister of Health, the Hon. Dr. Duane Sands, and his team signed the HCC Call to Action

Networking and forming partnerships to initiate the establishment of Healthy Lifestyles Team (HaLT) comprising selected CSOs in The Bahamas

HaLT was successfully established with over 70 members from various CSOs, academia, and some government sectors, including the Ministries of Health and Education.

HaLT logo and slogan

HaLT logo and slogan

More images courtesy of the Cancer Society of the Bahamas and HaLT.

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Capacity Building Workshop in the Bahamas

The CDB grant funded CSO capacity building workshop took place at the office of the Cancer Society of The Bahamas (CSOB), in Nassau, The Bahamas, 22-24 January 2018.

The workshop was hosted by the Cancer Society of The Bahamas (CSOB), one of the five CSOs participating in the project.

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