BCNF Childhood Obesity Joint Stakeholder Meeting

by HCC

BCNF joint stakeholder meeting 15th Aug 2018The Breastfeeding and Child Nutrition Foundation of Barbados hosted a joint stakeholder meeting on Wed, Aug 15 at the Savannah Beach Hotel in Barbados from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm. This meeting was one of the significant achievements made possible through the project funding from Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) through the Healthy Caribbean Coalition (HCC).  The meeting was a tremendous success and resulted in national media coverage highlighting the importance of breastfeeding and an endorsement from Government via the Ministry of Labour for a Breastfeeding Workplace Policy.

Objectives of meeting:

  • Build awareness of link between childhood obesity, low breastfeeding rates and non-communicable diseases by highlighting how breastfeeding affects the health and development of infants and their mothers along the life course
  • Provide information on how promoting and supporting the creation of breastfeeding friendly environments can improve breastfeeding rates
  • Present the business and economic case for breastfeeding workplace policy
  • Unveil a draft breastfeeding workplace policy, which businesses can adapt to their purpose and invite feedback from all stakeholders

The meeting was attended by representatives from some of the key stakeholders identified by the BCNF as well as a representative from donor agency CDB, Dr. Idamay Denny, Portfolio Manager. Other entities represented included: Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), Ministry of Health, Heart & Stroke Foundation of Barbados and others.


  • Hon. Colin E. Jordan, Minister of Labour and Social Partnership Relations
  • Dame Billie Miller, Patron BCNF
  • Sir Trevor Hassell, President HCC
  • Dr. Alison Bernard, President of the BCNF
  • Mrs. Sheena Mayers-Granville, Executive Director Barbados Employers’ Confederation
  • Mr Thaddeus Harris, G&A Communications

BCNF joint stakeholder meeting 15th Aug 2018Key outcomes: The need for a breastfeeding workplace policy was endorsed publicly by the Minister of Labour and Social Partnerships; The link between breastfeeding and childhood obesity was established and reinforced; Valuable feedback on the draft BCNF Breastfeeding Workplace Policy was received from all attendees.

Next steps: To build on the momentum achieved at the meeting and approach more stakeholders re the adoption of a breastfeeding workplace policy; apply for further funding to continue stakeholder engagement and foster a relationship between the Ministry of Labour and the BCNF.

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