Ministry of Labour, Social Security & Human Resource Development, Barbados

by HCC

Ministry of Labour, Social Security & Human Resource Development, Barbados

The Ministry of Labour Demographics
The Ministry of Labour, Social Security & Human Resource Development, Barbados have a  well documented Healthy Workplaces Programme (Workplace Wellness Programme) that has been in place for more than 3 years. They have an allocated budget for a Healthy Workplaces Programme and an established Wellness Committee. The Ministry say that their has been some positive effect, with an increase in the number of persons involved in physical activities.  Most persons tend to pay greater attention to their diet and health checks.

Workplace Vision/Mission
To assist government and its partners in promoting opportunities for decent and productive work, in conditions of freedom of association, equity, security and human dignity and to provide quality social and economic benefits for Barbadians.

Staff Appreciation Day.  The majority of staff members tend to participate in the activities, particularly the health (blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar) checks and the get moving activities. there is also a fun cook off where staff prepare healthy dishes using local produce.

The buy-in from staff has been minimal for some activities. the lack of designated indoor area for physical activities.

Corporate Community Responsibility
The Ministry has established local, regional and global partnerships with civil society organisations (non-profit organisations) to deliver their Healthy Workplace Initiatives/ Workplace Wellness Programme (e.g. screening and treatment)

Healthy Workplace Programme – 16 key elements:


Occupational Safety and Health

There is an established and enforced Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Policy

A mechanism is in place in your workplace that allows for reporting on and acting on occupational safety and health issues (accidents, illnesses)


Tobacco Use Cessation

There is an established and enforced policy making company buildings and parking lots tobacco/smoke-free

Information and resources on the harmful effects of smoking are visible and readily available in the workplace

The sale and advertisement of tobacco products is prohibited on worksite premises


Healthy eating

Information and resources on healthy diets (including the adverse effects of unhealthy diets such as those high in sugar, salt, cholesterol, saturated and trans fat; and the importance of reducing portion sizes) are visible and readily available in the workplace

There is easy to access safe drinking water (e.g. water coolers)


Breastfeeding Support

No policy in place


Physical Activity Enhancement

There are on-site fitness instructor led exercise classes


Mental Health and Stress Management

The company has an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP is a professional counselling service for employees that may be experiencing emotional distress from personal or work-related problems

Employees are recognised for achievements in the workplace (e.g. rewards, certificates, positive feedback via meeting announcements)

There are opportunities for personal and professional development


Alcohol Reduction

Alcohol consumption is restricted or banned at staff events both during and outside of working hours


Disability in the Workplace

Facilities (e.g. ramps, suitably equipped washrooms etc.) are in place at your workplace for ease of use by those with disabilities

Employs known disabled persons


Return to Work for People Living with NCDs

There is an established and enforced policy preventing discrimination against those returning to work after treatment for NCDs.


Work-life Balance

Reduced or flexible hours


Screening and Treatment for NCDs

Health checks (blood sugar, choleserol, blood pressure and sometimes breast cancer screening) are done annually on a voluntary basis


NCD prevention Information, Education and Resources

Health awareness days (e.g. World Health Day; Caribbean Wellness Day) are celebrated or employee health fairs are hosted


Healthy Living rewards or incentives



Multisectoral Partnerships

The company is represented on a multisectoral NCD prevention and control coordination mechanism such as a National NCD Commission or Wellness Commission

Representatives of the company have participated in the design of the national NCD strategic plan or policy


Monitoring and Evaluation



Community Volunteerism


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