Caribbean Catalyst have implemented a series of initiatives aimed at creating a healthy workplace which have been ongoing for 2 years and they believe that their employees are now more health conscious.Workplace Vision/Mission
Our Vision is to be the Human Resource thought leaders of the Caribbean who understand and care about the communities we work in. Our Mission is to be a catalyst for meaningful change, helping our clients achieve through their people.
A Steps Programme, each staff member was given a pedometer and it was fun challenge to see who would get the most steps.
You must be consistent to maintain excellent health.
Corporate Community Responsibility
Caribbean Catalyst believe in impacting our community and give of time and resources to help persons in need. Their vision is to understand and care about the communities they work in.
Healthy Workplace Programme – 16 key elements:
1 | Occupational Safety and Health A mechanism is in place in your workplace that allows for reporting on and acting on occupational safety and health issues (accidents, illnesses) |
2 | Tobacco Use Cessation No policy in place |
3 | Healthy eating There is easy to access safe drinking water (e.g. water coolers) |
4 | Breastfeeding Support No policy in place |
5 | Physical Activity Enhancement Plan healthy activities as a team |
6 | Mental Health and Stress Management The company has an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP is a professional counselling service for employees that may be experiencing emotional distress from personal or work-related problems Employees are recognised for achievements in the workplace (e.g. rewards, certificates, positive feedback via meeting announcements) There are regular employee communication opportunities (e.g. team meetings, one-to-one meetings) There are opportunities for personal and professional development There are moral boosting activities (e.g. employee lunches, birthday celebrations, sports teams) |
7 | Alcohol Reduction No policy in place |
8 | Disability in the Workplace The company works with various groups such as the Barbados Council for the Disabled and facilitate the annual Kregg Nurse Scholarship Award for persons with disabilities who are involved in the workplace |
9 | Return to Work for People Living with NCDs No policy in place |
10 | Work-life Balance Work from home/ remote worksite location Reduced or flexible hours Job sharing scheme |
11 | Screening and Treatment for NCDs Workers have access to group health plans |
12 | NCD prevention Information, Education and Resources None |
13 | Healthy Living rewards or incentives None |
14 | Multisectoral Partnerships None |
15 | Monitoring and Evaluation None |
16 | Community Volunteerism Various staff members are involved in community groups and are allowed to participate during working hours |
Find out more about Caribbean Catalyst here.