Antigua and Barbuda Diabetes Association

by HCC

Antigua and Barbuda Diabetes Association is a member of the Childhood Obesity Prevention CSO Action Team.

Antigua and Barbuda Diabetes AssociationOrganisation: Antigua and Barbuda Diabetes Association (ABDA)

Name: Juanita James

Role:  President

What do you/your organisation do?

ABDA is primarily a support group for persons living with diabetes and their family members. The Association also targets at risk individuals. We are involved in education, health promotion, screening activities in various settings to include schools, workplaces and community.  ABDA participates in policy development with the Ministry of Health and other partners. The Association also engages in advocacy work on behalf of persons living with Diabetes and their families. When possible ABDA provides testing supplies for members in need based on donations to the Association

How do you/does your organisation push the childhood obesity agenda forward?

ABDA works in schools to conduct education, promotion of healthy lifestyles and risk factor screening. The Association also collaborates with the Ministry of Health in policy development eg. Taxation of SSBs and with Bureau of Standards on Front of Package Labelling.

What do you think is needed to improve the prevalence of childhood obesity in the Caribbean region?

Strengthened surveillance programmes to include school aged children. Policies and regulations regarding foods sold in and around schools, Strengthening education and health promotion programme while improving the food environment to make healthy choices more affordable and accessible.

How does being a part of a Coalition help advance your own organization’s agenda?

Networking is an important part of working with the HCC. Learning from others who are part of the Coalition and having easy access to relevant and useful information.

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