The Future Talks – Cultivating Healthy School Environments – Exploring Physical Activity Opportunities

by HCC

On Thursday April 15, 2021, The Healthy Caribbean Coalition (HCC) and Healthy Caribbean Youth (HCY) in partnership with the Caribbean Sport and Development Agency are conducted a joint special webinar – The Future Talks: Cultivating Healthy School Environments – Exploring Physical Activity Opportunities. The webinar was a continuation of the Healthy Caribbean Coalition’s “The Future Talks” webinar miniseries, featuring young voices from across the Caribbean region. The webinar brought together a diverse group of panelists including students, young professionals and well-known physical activity experts from across the region to discuss cultivating active environments within and outside of schools.

Through a guided discussion, panellists will explore the following key themes over the course of the webinar:

  • Exploring physical activity opportunities within the school environment
    • Challenges in engaging/facilitating physical activity opportunities in school (before and during COVID)
    • Innovative solutions to get students moving during PE and throughout the school day
  • Exploring solutions to create communities
    • Challenges and Solutions in cultivating an active community, specifically addressing the need for improved built environment and related maintenance, accessible green spaces for recreational use and introducing and implementing strong and effective policies

View the promotional flyer here.

Opening Remarks:

The Future Talks, Cultivating Healthy School Environments - Navigating Mental Health

Mrs. Maisha Hutton
Executive Director, Healthy Caribbean Coalition



The Future Talks, Cultivating Healthy School Environments - Exploring Physical Activity Opportunities - Ms. Danielle Walwyn

Ms. Danielle Walwyn
Advocacy Officer, HCC

The Future Talks, Cultivating Healthy School Environments - Exploring Physical Activity Opportunities

Mr. Christopher Laurie
Healthy Caribbean Youth



Mr. Taahir Bulbulia

Mr. Taahir Bulbulia
Vice President Cave Hill Guild of Students 2020-2021, Founder of the Sports Science Society

Danielle Treasure

Danielle Treasure
Competitive Swimmer- CARIFTA, CCCAN, Junior World Championships, and World Championships

Ms. Launée Richards

Ms. Launée Richards
Physical Education Teacher, Healthy Caribbean Youth

The Future Talks, Cultivating Healthy School Environments - Exploring Physical Activity Opportunities

Mr. Kern Rocke
PhD Candidate, Researcher, Healthy Caribbean Youth

The Future Talks, Cultivating Healthy School Environments - Exploring Physical Activity Opportunities

Ms. Cherry Lee
Architect, Healthy Caribbean Youth

The Future Talks, Cultivating Healthy School Environments - Exploring Physical Activity Opportunities

Dr. Colette Cunningham-Myrie
Senior Lecturer, Department of Community Health and Psychiatry, University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Jamaica WI

The Future Talks, Cultivating Healthy School Environments - Exploring Physical Activity Opportunities

Mr. Ato Radcliffe
Sociologist and Lecturer at the University of Trinidad and Tobago, Caribbean Sport and Development Agency

The Healthy Caribbean Youth looks forward to continuing the “Future Talks” series, with a continued focus on cultivating healthy school environments.

Other Future Talks Webinars:

OPENING SCHOOLS: SHARED PERSPECTIVES ON NAVIGATING MENTAL HEALTH IN THE “CLASSROOM” DURING COVID-19.”explored the mental health concerns of key actors within schools, including students, parents, teachers and mental health support staff. They discussed strategies to cultivate school ecosystems that support positive mental health and well-being.

The Future Talks, COVID-19 and NCDs in the Caribbean featured youth advocates from across the region who provided insight into their unique experiences during the pandemic and shared their perspectives on how the region can work towards “building back better”.

The Future Talks, COVID-19 and NCDs in the Caribbean – The Legacy featured youth experts  and current Healthy Caribbean Youth, who presented their professional and personal perspectives on how the Caribbean region, particularly the health systems, that can “build back better” especially for youth and young PLWNCDs from the COVID experience.

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