Cervical Cancer Advocacy Workshop 2013

by HCC

Cervical Cancer Workshop 2013March 21-22, 2013, Cervical Cancer Advocacy Workshop for Caribbean Cancer Societies and Foundations – Sonesta Great Bay Beach Resort & Casino, Sint. Maarten.

Fighting Cancer with Advocacy

A two-day workshop on Cervical Cancer Advocacy Capacity Building at the Sonesta Great Bay Beach Resort & Casino in St. Maarten. The workshop was arranged by The Healthy Caribbean Coalition (HCC) in partnership with the Sint. Maarten Ministry of Public Health Social Development And Labour – Collective Prevention Services, for members of various Caribbean Cancer Societies and Foundations. This workshop was made possible through the generous support of the American Cancer Society, Health Action Partnership International (UK) and GlaxoSmithKline.

Several pan-caribbean agencies were represented at the conference: Barbados (Barbados Cancer Society, Cancer Support Services and the Barbados Family Planning Association), Belize (Belize Cancer Society), Bermuda (Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre), Dominica (Dominica Cancer Society), Grenada (Grenada Cancer Society), Guyana (Cancer Institute of Guyana), Haiti (Groupe de Support Contre Le Cancer), Jamaica (The Jamaica Cancer Society), St. Lucia (St. Lucia Cancer Society), St. Maarten (The St. Maarten Cancer Foundation, Positive Foundation, KeLaHa Projects, SZV (Social Sickness Insurance)), Saint Martin (AGWEDC), The Bahamas (Cancer Society of the Bahamas), The Cayman Islands (Cayman Islands Cancer Society), St. Kitts & Nevis (Reach for Recovery), Suriname (Pink Ribbon Foundation Suriname), Trinidad & Tobago (Trinidad & Tobago Cancer Society).

The workshop was one part of a region wide campaign to raise awareness of cervical cancer and stimulate community-based efforts to reduce the mortality rates, developed in support of the “Regional Strategy and Plan of Action for Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control in Latin America and the Caribbean”, approved by the 48th Directing Council of PAHO/WHO.

Key Objectives and Outputs of the Workshop

  • Caribbean cancer societies will become better aware of, become trained in, and motivated to embark on Cervical Cancer Advocacy initiatives.
  • A Cervical Cancer Advocacy Action Handbook will be finalised and made available to all delegates and the wider HCC network.
  • Each Cancer Society will have produced a Cervical Cancer Advocacy Action Plan for its organization and post the workshop the HCC will provide technical support to organizations as needed in the implementation of action plans of cancer societies.
  • An e-petition around cervical cancer will be initiated and fully executed by cancer societies following the workshop.
    A Social Media How to Guide will be finalised and shared electronically and in hard copy with workshop delegates and widely in the HCC network.
  • A Caribbean Cancer Network will be established and will be supported as needed by the HCC following the workshop.


Day 1 – March 21st 2013 (Download all of Day 1 Presentations cheap online tramadol no prescription here – compressed zip file)
Cervical Cancer an Overview – Dr. Tomo Kanda, PAHO/WHO view/download
Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control a Caribbean Perspective – Dr. Vikash Chatrani, Barbados Cancer Society view/download
Cervical Cancer Treatment – Dr. Homer Bloomfield, Cancer Society of the Bahamas view/download
HPV Vaccine Perspectives – Prof. David Prado, GlaxoSmithKline view/download
Advocacy a Major Civil Society Tool for Effecting Change – Prof. Trevor Hassell, President HCC view/download
Cervical Cancer Advocacy Sharing Experiences – Ms. Rhonda Smith-Simmons, Bermuda Cancer and Healthcare Centre view/download
HCC Cervical Cancer Advocacy Plan – Ms. Maisha Hutton, Manager HCC view/download
HCC Cervical Cancer Advocacy Workbook – Ms. Maisha Hutton, Manager HCC view/download

Day 2 – March 22nd 2013 (Download all of Day 2 Presentations here – compressed zip file)
Social Media Session Introduction – Prof. Trevor Hassell – President HCC view/download
mHealth, eHealth, e-Petitions – Ms. Shivonne Johnson, HCC view/download
What Makes a Good Website – Ian Pitts, HCC view/download
The Power of Social Media – Ms. Kimlin Harrilal, Trinidad & Tobago Cancer Society view/download
Civil Society Capacity Needs Around mHealth and eHelath – Ms. Vinna Royer, Dominica Cancer Society view/download
Value of Civil society Networks – Dr. Tamu Davidson, Public Health Specialist, Jamaica view/download
Caribbean Regional Cancer Network – Ms. Nicole Jordan-Coombs, Trinidad & Tobago Cancer Society view/download
Cancer Networks St Maarten Perspectives – Ms. Shelley Alphonso, Positive Foundation of St. Maarten view/download
Caribbean Cancer Network Belize Perspectives – Ms. Laura Tucker-Longsworth, Belize Cancer Society view/download
Caribbean Cancer Network St. Lucia Perspectives – Ms. Sheryll Emmanuel, St. Lucia Cancer Society view/download

Video of the opening session of the workshop including the featured address by the the Prime Minister of St. Maarten, The Honourable Sarah Westcot-Williams, also including the Honourable V. H. Cornelius de Weever, Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor St. Maarten, Professor Trevor Hassell President of the HCC and several keynote presentations can be found here.

HCC has created an extensive list of recent documents, papers and publications relating to Cervical Cancer. We hope that you will utilise these resources to help strengthen your campaign to eliminate this preventable form of cancer. View and download the resources here.

Delegate Pack:

HCC SXM Cervical Cancer NGO Mapping Mar 16 2013. view/download
Concept Note Cervical Cancer Workshop Final March 15 2013. view/download
HCC Cervical Cancer Advocacy Workshop Programme Final March 15 2013. view/download
HCC SXM CPS Cervical Cancer Advocacy Workshop Evaluation Form March 16 2013. view/download
HCC SXM CPS Cervical Cancer Advocacy Workshop Next Steps HCC Cervical Cancer Plan. view/download
HCC SXM CPS Cervical Cancer Advocacy Workshop Participant Info Sheet March 2013. view/download
HCC SXM CPS Cervical Cancer Advocacy Workshop Registration Form March 15 2013. view/download